Sunday......supposed to be sunny, but over here its gloomy & rainy. That's outside okay, inside the house? My urat 'R' (=rajin) dah di kira terlebih kembang.....i don't know why.
Maybe i'm happy bcos adil prepared dinner the night before (me sweating as well)..
adil's creation - ala ala chicken chop
This was how my sunday morning went by;
market survey........the selected few
bathe chot....
lap sendiri lah chot ye.....(self grooming)
bathe the fish......(temenung: "apa tengok tengok")
'drying' time
mari kita lihat siapa yang kena....(cakaplah mcm cerita p ramlee tu)
yang lain???...... wait for your turn
i give you cold treatment & wait in Q
"refurbishing".......(left over lamb)
serawa pisang....(banana in coconut milk)
jadi siap!....(ready)
clean a portion of the fridge...just an eighth of a portion i guess
the rest of the fridge left to be attended - until next changelah
letak ubat mak (one week's prescription day/night)
Tapi..pup pap pup pap....alif/adil goreng telur the lauk (except lamb=alif) is not to their preference......adoiiii rasa rugi aku waste time kat dapur. masing masing goreng sendiri...

alif's nasi, minyak sapi, lamb & telur goreng
(note: telur goreng dia nipis macam dia)

adil's nasi, kicap, telur goreng w cili sauce & sambal belacan.
(note: adil's telur goreng is like him, 'fluffy'-tengok tanganlah)
'seketul' adil and 'sebatang' alif (as they refer to themselves- their size)
but now adil pun dah tukar jadi sebatang gak
dah, jangan kacau lagi.....i want to be with my toy now......
Hello Makcikkantin, I love the name you gave your rabbit, 'Chot', ha ha. Dia makan bunyi 'chot chot' ke?
ReplyDeleteWaaa, you not only good photographer, good cook too.
Ada lagi ke that masak ikan. Tiga pingan nisi will be fine with me, ha ha.
Have a nice day, Lee.
(note: telur goreng dia nipis macam dia)
ReplyDeletehaha!btui auntie!
kalau dia baca cOment ni sure dia kata kat saya balik!adOi!
uncle lee, visited yr pondok semalam tapi tak comment lagi sebab banyak nak baca...i love reading your cerita word by word..oh my...
ReplyDeleteabout chot, i thought of giving him(it) a special malay name (Chot is short for Mansor)-jangan marah ye org2 yg bernama Mansor. his other buddies (gone to heaven) were Chiet (Rashid) and Chein (Hussein)
You come to Penang, I serve you nasi putih, kari ikan, sambal & ulam...mari mari mari.
wawan - tulah yg heran, depa goreng dari kuali yang sama but the outcome is totally different.
auntie nk buat makan kat umah tp alif says you org sibuk lagi.....
bznyerr makcik tewww..
ReplyDeleteyelah sekali sekala kena bz bzkan diri tidak nanti, makin berat pulak.