Saturday, 5 Dec.....My better half, Adil(2nd/youngest son) and myself decided to go somewhere for 'photography'...where? nobody can decide, so hubby drove straight across the bridge. We thought of having breakfast at Seberang Jaya,instead we ended somewhere in Telok Air Tawar. From there, we headed to Pantai Merdeka (my last visit there was probably >30 yrs ago). Hubby & Adil took photographs while I 'dok buat bodoh' staring at the sea......
I observed boys (young entrepreneurs)at the beach doing business-renting floats. They seemed to lead very simple life...playing with whatever they found on the beach, swimming in the sea and i even noticed one boy cycling with only the 'rim' of the bicycle, no tyre! Tak payah nak sibuk2 pi lepak kat coffee bean/starbucks/mall etc like our children. I was also from kampung ...panjat pokok hanya berkain batik (he..he) tapi anak2 dah kurang kekampungan nya.....
After spending about 2 hrs there, we decided to visit Museum Arkeologi, Lembah Bujang. Tired (it was drizzling), we only managed to 'visit' the waterfall within the Museum vicinity (he he he).
From there it was another 'nowhere' ride to look for food as it was already 'lunchtime'. We stopped at Tanjung Dawai, well known for its 'Belacan' for lunch.
Habis lunch & shop for ikan kering, we headed home...Penang i mean. Naik feri & straight drove to Telok Bahang (to the very end of the world lah konon). We stopped at Taman Negara entrance, dah tutup cos its already 7pm. Hubby ambik gambar lagi, & i pun snap snap snaplah.
Pondok tu bersebelahan Pejabat Urusan Tmn Negara & the other one is the jetty where you can take a boat ride to Pantai Keracut. We can also take a 1-2 hrs hike thru the hutan to reach to Pantai Keracut, that's what people told me...haven't been there.

After magrib, we had dinner at the roadside Tari Cafe, Tanjung Bungah and then home sweet home....zzzzzzzz
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