Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 - Resolution?


Every new year, we hear this word being mentioned- Resolution

Resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something (from the dictionary)

So, have you got one?
For many of us, when young, we were beautiful, tall and slender....

just like a coffee pot
(google image)

Years later you realized - OMG!

you look like a tea pot! but still as beautiful :-)
(google image)


dari lempeng......
(google image)

tetiba dah jadi lepat (he he teringat pulak kat dia)
(google image)
or worse still

from no belly...
(google image)

to jelly belly 
(some say its a sign of prosperity) 
(google image)

Most common resolution:
- i want to reduce weight
- i want to earn more 
- i want to look good

What ever it may be, do moderately. This, i am reminding myself as well...

- have regular checkup 
   because at this age, 'A' is not Apple anymore but Athritis. boleh juga     
   refer kat DrOnLine
- build up our inner peace

Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a state of being mentally or spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress.

Being “at peace” is considered by many to be healthy (homeostasis) and the opposite of being stressed or anxious. Peace of mind is generally associated with bliss and happiness.

Peace of mind, serenity and calmness are descriptions of a disposition free from the effects of stress.

(extracted from here, thank you)
Let's hope we get closer to our Creator, God willing, Ameen.

Moga Allah perkenankan doa doa kita;  

...dikurniakan cahaya ketaqwaan & tetapkan iman 
image: troy16

...di permudahkan perjalanan hidup..
image: troy16

di kurniakan kesihatan yang baik....

...di murahkan rezeki....
image: troy16


  1. Salam Mc,
    Selamat menyambut tahun baru... semoga tahun 2010 membawa seribu erti buat Mc sekeluarga ;)
    psst, kite pun resolutions come every year. cuma by the end of the year, lupe nak audit balik ;)

  2. Selamat tahun baru juga buat Ijan sekeluarga kat sana. mmg betul, awai tahun semangat bukan main, hujung tahun, buat buat lupa...

  3. sodapnyerr lempeng teww.. ehehe

  4. pergi lempeng balik lepat, hahaha! selain kurus jadi gemok, it also means mula² sengkek lepas tu kaya (peribahasa melayu ni, betul!)

    happy new year, mck :)

  5. en_me

    meh le makan, kite betul2 buat lempeng tau utk b'fast, cicah gulai. selamat tahun baru.

    KOG-pergi lempeng baik lepat, seribu makna tau. tag yg buat ku ketawa guling2 & tak akan ku lupa.

    happy new year

  6. happy new year to makchak n pakchak...

  7. Hello Mak Kantin, Happy New Year.
    Wishing you and all at home the very best of 2010.
    I love your Blog header gambar. Cute!

    New Year resolutions? We will open the book.
    Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.

    Stay young, keep well and have fun Macik Kantin, and have a great new year, Lee.

  8. Dear uncle lee,
    Thank you, just a little 'renovation' to my pondok.
    Happy new year to you.
    Yes, new empty book to be filled up but with glossaries and appendices for reference.
