I did a last catering service this morning & will stop briefly during ramadhan.
Today's dishes were fried bihun, 2 sweet treats (creme puff & chocolate cake), 2 savory (sardine roll & prawn fritters), coffee, tea & fruits.

And last week, there was an order for lunch and I made nasi hujan panas (colored buter rice), ayam masak merah, kurma daging, kerabu timun/nenas, fruits and drinks.
Nothing special, just that I have a little bit more time and the internet is damn 'strong'.
Signing off - Makcikkantin -
malam ni sahur masak apa ? kan sedap kalu dapat makan mcm waktu siang
ReplyDeletesahur? sardine roll. berbuka? ayam kuning bakaq N ayaq asam - mai la join