Monday, June 21, 2010

Al- Fatihah: In Loving Memory.....

The passing of my beloved mother;

Sariah binti Ariffin
14 Oct 1925 - 17 June 2010

Looking at her loosing her strength day by day, no one knew the pain that she endured.
No words can describe our grief.

With children & grandchildren taking turns to care for her round the clock both at home & hospital, we hoped to have done a good deed if not the best.

Semoga mak di tempatkan bersama2 orang orang yang diampuniNya. Amin. 


  1. takziah, mck... semoga rohnya bersama orang² beriman

  2. salam mck,
    be strong ye. sorry to hear that. semoga dia ditempatkan dikalangan org2 beriman

  3. Takziah auntie.. saya baru tau ja ni.. sorry lama tak mai kat sini sebab hari tu tukaq domain so semua bloglist hilangggg

  4. salam takziah...semoga rohnya ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman...

  5. takziah to my dear friend, Kathy & family, on the passing of her beloved mum


  6. Takziah,..semoga Allah tempatkan arwah dikalangan yang soleh. Amin.

  7. KOG, ST, Wawan, Lina, CT, Dolly, Hanim,

    Terima kasih atas ingatan/wishes. I'm still coping with the loss......

  8. Salam Makcik,
    Takziah dari kami sekeluarga atas permergian ibunda tersayang. Semoga roh ibunda Makcik ditempatkan dikalangan mereka yang beriman. Al Fatihah.

    Semoga Makcik juga tabah dengan suratan ini.


  9. Alfatihah buat arwah ,tq singgah kat umah ye

  10. Hello Makcikkantin, I regret to read of your great loss. My deepest condolences to you and family. May she rest in peace.

    What though the radiance which was once so bright,
    Be now forever taken from my sight.
    Though nothing can bring back the hour....
    Of splendour in the grass,
    of Glory in the flowers,
    We will grieve not.
    Rather find strength in what remains behind.

    My thoughts with you and family, you keep well, Lee.

  11. Takziah aunty.
    Al-Fatihah to arwah.

    I still can remember the day i loss my mom when i was 13. Sometimes i still find it hard to cope. Though I know you are much more stronger-insyaAllah.

  12. ijan,
    terima kasih , kita sama2 kehilangan:-((

  13. Uncle Lee,

    TQ. i'm still coping....

    TQ. (sob, sob, sob)

  14. Takziah. (agak lambat)
    Insya Allah tak lambat untuk saya sedekah Al-Fatihah. Semoga rohnya aman disana.

  15. Alfatihah semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat berpanjangan..takziah buat family makcik..sorry Sally lambat tau..tak sempat jalan2.
