Salam Satu Malaysia......
You all ada "Things To Do" list? I have mine, well written, macam macam :- mau cuba recipe baru, nak select clothes yang boleh giveaway, nak clear piles of magazines/books, nak sort out my sewing stuff...& list goes on..
Ko orang ada ?
Among others in my "Things To Do" list that is very long overdue :- Blog housekeeping.
Yes, that is exactly what i need to do and that also means i have to find a day that i can do a 'computhon' . Sounds like python?? :)), alaaah kan sekarang ni perkataan disambung tanpa rujuk dewan bahasa lagi....computhon=computer marathon).
Computhon belum tiba, jadi makcik kena sabar walau rumah dah serupa hutan.
How time flies! I am already two years into blogging, but still look like a newbie and i definitely have to learn more how to & what to.
Eh eh bebel cam mak nenek pulak. Cerita ada cuma semangat penulis serupa kurang.......
The Penang Bridge Marathon.
Big event during the (very early morning) weekend. I did not participate so i don't know how big was the crowd but i knew it rained that morning (hmm, sleep seemed to be a better activity)
I suppose these were the 'Fun-Runners'
(credit: Mr Google)
Convoy up north
Later when the bridge was opened to traffic, pakcik and myself crossed over to join in the convoy up north for one of my nephew's engagement.
credit: google
Hantaran???...boleh kasi discount?
Dah kawin nanti, jangan lawan mak mentua tau :)
(happy bride-to-be with mum-in-law to be)

The entourage
We were served rice with local dishes; asam rebus, ikan bakar, air asam, sambal/ulam, paceri....
hmmm sedap. Segan pulak nak snap gambar food...sebenarnya sibuk makan (read: dah lapar )
After the simple ceremony, all five cars headed in different direction.
Pakcik & makcik went around looking for subject for pakcik's lens.....Panas terik, he found a place but weather not on his side (it was very sunny-too much light katanya). We went under the bridge (takut gak, satgi org mai hendap...kot kot khalwat :-D ), and with nature's limited resources he took few shots. Tak cantik katanya so tak boleh letak image.....tapi, tak mau kalah, nak suruh jugak makcik letak gambar yang dia develop.
After we arrived home, he spent the whole evening developing images that he took a day earlier. He said he loves this image and that i should display here. If you also like, you can further enjoy his work here. (pakcik, got commission?)
go ahead if you choose to cross that bridge
On way home, we stopped at Darul Aman Park (you can see this place from the highway, near the tol). Pakcik had laksa & this ABC (ais batu campur) Merapi (i called it sebab tinggi & ice cream dok meleleh cam lahar gunung berapi)
Note: kalau anda ke situ, jangan mintak ABC Merapi ye, itu nama yg makcik letak saja.
ABC Merapi
Nothing much other than water activity (boating -with a fee) or go round the park; you can either walk or rent a buggy, we chose the latter @ RM 12.
pakcik dok teropong for best shot...
I have loads in my TDL! Hehehe...
ReplyDeleteWish U a happy weekend! :D
Salaam sis,
ReplyDeleteKalau ada kelapangan, jemputlah ke blog mama untuk ambil award for your beautiful blog ya..
Erk...I know I still owe you one homework. InsyaAllah will do it soonest possible. Aiyoo a month has passed, still lom buat! Huhuhu
ReplyDeletesamalah we keep our TDL ye :-)) hv a pleasant weekend too.
orait!, sat nak book tiket flight pi rumah mama.
ya the homework..nak bag buat homework cepat :D
'To do list'?... tiap2 hari tukar baru, pas tu lekat kat dinding.selalunya separuh dari list je yg tercapai sebabnyer tamak sangat nak buat macam2 dalam satu hari....he..he..
ReplyDeleteTunjuklah sikit gambar bakal menantu tu....
ummu (Uji?)
ReplyDeletemeh kita sama sama kumpul 'to do' list, tengok sapa banyak :))
yang tu bakal menantu abang makcik....nanti menantu makcik, harus di tayang kat sini jugak, hehe