Tuesday, July 5, 2011

JanjiNya: Sesaat pun tidak berganjak

Bersiaran lagi, just brief updates saja. Baru balik ke Pg & rumah pun tunggang langgang.

For the past months, we've been commuting Pg - Kl regularly, visiting a sick BIL (my biras-to be exact).

Basir Samsuddin; At 56, he passed away on the early morning of 28th June, leaving a wife, Jani & two children; Imran (21) and Najwa (19). Berat kita memandang, berat lagi mereka yang menghadapi saat saat genting ini. Moga Jani tabah dengan dugaan ini...
Kalau berminat nak tahu lebih lanjut, bolehlah baca sini,

Sebetulnya, sejak awal tahun 2011, kami begitu di uji......

To have one death is bad enough but to have 3 within 6 months, is really trying times for us....

Before this, my own brother passed away on 27th January 2011.

Azmi Puteh; He passed away while sitting on a chair at the office. He was 57.
While we thought it was a sudden death( it was indeed, sudden), he had somehow 'hinted' to his wife when he mentioned things like..."wanting to be buried near my mum who passed on 7 months before that & of 'this' would be the last raya...".

Prior to this, on the evening of 31st Dec 2010, my other sister-in-law also lost her husband.

Idrus Nayan; He was complaining of severe 'gastritis' 2 days before & warded for observation. He slipped into coma after surgery and passed on without regaining consciousness.

Moga Allah tempatkan mereka bersama sama orang yang beriman dan diampuni dosanya olehMu.



  1. Al-Fatihah buat arwah2 semua. Memang janji Allah tu tepat, tiada siapa pun yg mengetahui nya. Maka itu ada lah peringatan buat kita semua yg tinggal ini. Masa kita belum tau lagi, hanya doa yg dapat di pinta supaya di panjangkan oleh Allah Taala.

  2. Kematian mengingatkan, kita tak lama di 'sini'....

  3. Along,
    Terima kasih


    Betul, kita pun tak tau bila.

  4. Al Fatihah...

    Metastatic stage colon cancer memang very poor prognosis. Early detection is very vital. Banyak doc yang missed the early symptoms as 'angin' sahaja. Just please advise the late close relative to undergo screening via colonoscopic examination.

  5. Salam, baru baca blog nih...such a small world. Basir Shamsudin tu husband kawan saya Jani. sedih yaaa..from now on, i will follow your blog.

  6. Dear azam, salam kenal. ya setiap yang hidup pasti kembali....kita kena banyakkan amal..kena pertingkatkan amalan setiap waktu....

  7. JOS,

    terima kasih! McK dah download....tapi belum berkesempatan nak mentelaah lagi.....
    once again TQ

  8. Zu,

    Jani is my sis-in-law...adik my hubby.
    TQ, i will follow you too

  9. Al fatihah. Semoga mereka ditempatkan dikalangan mereka yang beriman, insyaAllah.

  10. 1 saat pun tak terlewat atau terawal. Mengingatkan bila pula giliran untuk kita
