Sunday, July 8, 2012

Those were the days

Hujung bulan june lalu makcik ke KL kerana ada kenduri & pakcik ada tugas kat sana......

Bertolak pagi & sampai on time utk tahlil my biras, Allahyarham Basir Samsuddin (28 june 2011) -alfatihah.

Kebetulan pulak gang ladies bas sekolah smspp ada buat gather gather, jadi ada ksempatan makcik join lah.

Gembira jumpa kawan lama....ada yang > 30 tahun tak jumpa! Bila dah jumpa tu terserlah lah jugak perangai the girl-in-you kan? Start lah story zaman dedulu.....sekolah tak siap lagi so tumpang sekolah berdekatan, hostel pun a make-shift of another school...those were the wonderful days yang obviously tak boleh di putar kembali....sweet memories remain.

L-R, rozy, tim, mck, gee, ady, jan, idah, pit, jun
(30th june 2012)

L-R: rozy, jun, tim, umi, oni, jan, nas, idah, nini, mck

Netball buddies GS & GA (Goal Shooter & Goal Assistant)

...also a place where I met my love.... 
(hmm ni pelamin tumpang okay)

Selalunya  kalau ke kl, kami akan berkampung kat rumah SIL. Dia ni sangatlah suka kucing...
Mug ada kucing, placemat ada kucing, figurines kucing, bag cap kucing, piring kuih gambar kucing....... kucing hidup, Spruce (betoi?), 
baekkk punya tenggek atas my son2

Dah kehabisan idea................


  1. ammboii meriahnyerr cikkiahh tuu..

  2. Hello Makcik, wow! I enjoyed looking thru the lovely pics. So many beautiful ladies, and you of course looking sensational! Love that kuching gambar, ha ha, great pic!
    Makcik, one of your dishes is on display my pondok current posting, *wink*.
    You have a great week, keep well.

    1. Tq. And oh that kuching pun pandai urut tau.
      Ok i will visiit yr pondok to see what you curi this time :))

      Have a good day uncle

  3. Makcik masih nampak muda berseri :)
