Thursday, January 15, 2009

year 2009

The year 2009 has entered its 15th day. One thing for sure, i don't have to send my children to school. Adil, my second & youngest finished his SPM last year & now working part time at one of the malls here. He passed his driving test but has not passed my test, so no driving alone for him yet and as such, he is chauffeur-driven to & from work.
I also opened a new bank account for him. Alah bukan banyak pun, cuma minimum amount to entitle him to an ATM card....waaaa happynya dia. So friends out there, I've come to realize that there are so many different ways to make someone happy.
Lagi about this 'buntal' son of mine, tadi pagi sibuk suruh hantar ke gym, nak register gym pulak dahhhh! Ok, let him try for a month & see how he juggles his time working & working out! To motivate him, we only sponsored half the amount, the other half he forked himself(his allowance). He aims to 'remove' his jelly belly so let us see if he succeeds in this one...
He loves to cook & aspire to be a chef one day

Adil, left. Abang dia on right, while mak/bapak kat belakang tu...

The elder brother, Alif on the other hand is much slimmer, dok cari ubat pulak nak bagi gemuk sikit. In his final year at uni, he is into photography & is very happy that he 'inherited' his father's Nikon-D300 recently when the father upgraded his. With lots of projects/assignment to be submitted, he is seldom home (home-uni is only 10 minutes drive) & (seems that) he loves to sleep under the table in the studio!
With them both grown up(dah tak duduk bawah ketiak), I always treasure our moments together. We (hubby & i) support their choice of career & we pray that they would lead a wonderful life in the future without forgetting their roots/religion.
Mak pun adalah lebih masa nak ikut bapak outstation, itu pun kalu schedule dia tak ketat sangat.
Apa2 pun Adil kena cekap drive dulu.
As for other things, my morning coffee with friends of the same kind (he..he semua home minister!) go on as usual.

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