Cappuccino Cheesecake
source: Cheesecake Seduction by Catherine Lau
250 gm cream cheese
120 gm icing sugar
200ml whipping cream
3 eggs ( separate yolk & white )
1 tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp + 2 tsp cornflour - sifted
2 Tbsp + 2 tsp plain flour - sifted
1/4 tsp cream of tartar or 1 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp instant coffee powder (mix with 2 tsp hot water)
1 Tbsp cocoa powder (mixed with 1 Tbsp hot water)
125 gm plain sponge mix
3 eggs
1 Tbsp instant coffee powder (mix with 2 tsp hot water)
30 ml milk
50 gm melted butter.
- Beat cream cheese until smooth. Beat in icing sugar followed by whipped cream, egg yolk, vanilla, flour. Beat until soft/creamy. Set aside. Prepare base.
- Preheat oven to 180 deg C. Grease 23 cm round false-bottom cake pan.
- Whisk sponge mix, eggs, coffee mixture and milk until mixture is thick & glossy. Fold in melted butter. Pour mixture into cake pan & bake ~ 15 minutes.
- Whisk egg whites until foamy. Add cream of tartar (or lemon juice) and whisk until firm. Fold into cheese mixture. Transfer 250 gm of the mixture into another bowl. Stir in coffee/cocoa mixture to the remaining cheese mixture.
- When base is done, remove from oven. Adjust oven temperature to 160 deg.
- Spread the coffee cheese mixture onto the base (sponge cake). Bake for 30 minutes or until filling is set but slightly soft in the center. BAKE in water bath.
- When filling is set, remove from oven & spread the plain cheese filling onto the coffee cheese mixture. Bake a further 30 minutes or until set.
- When done, remove cake pan from oven, stand for 10 minutes & then transfer cake o wire rack to cool completely. (What I did: I leave cake in the oven (oven off) with door closed for 15 minutes. Then I take out from oven and let it cool completely in the cake pan.)
- Sift cocoa powder onto cake. Serve immediately or chilled.
Sorry, cake not 'nicely groomed'. Observe the three layers:-base(sponge cake), the coffee cheese & the plain cheese layer.

I double the filling and have it baked without the base (as in the two pictures above)
kombinasi yg mantap!
ReplyDeletetenkiu, mailah penang boleh pekena ciscake sama2, lepaih tu kita pi makan mee udang pulak...hai lagi gemokle kucing...
ReplyDeleteCanteknye ciskek die.. nampak gaya kedai dah tue... kalo beli seketui mahai neh...
ReplyDeleteteringin nak makan... tp malas nak buat, mck courier sekeping dua boleh??!! bolehlaaaaa..... :p
ReplyDeletesalam bwk tupperware ni ngeh ngehhhh...
ReplyDeletelina (blogresepi),
ReplyDeletebeli seketui mmg mahai, bli sebiji murah sikit.
lina, bokmai address, makcik courier gambaq, mintak sekeping, dua keping mck bagi..he he..mailah penang.
Cat - tak payah bawak, rumah makcik banyak TIPUware boleh guna.