Movie Day:
Early morning today started with 'dingdongs' in the kitchen - have to cook early for the mums as i have a movie date in the afternoon......with hubby & my sons Alif & Adil.
Today's dishes......Sambal Tumis Udang+Petai, Ikan goreng Kicap & Sayur Sawi gemuk with egg tofu
Movie was in Gurney Plaza (as we wanted to watch in 3D). At the entrance, we were given a pair of 3D spectacles with a warning "nanti lepas movie kena kasi balik ya, hilang kena bayar 250..." ok lah, no point keeping it anyway...apa nak tengok?
Maybe many have seen it but to those who haven't, this movie is very entertaining. Go Peaches!
best nyer dpt tgk Ice Age
ReplyDeletenak tgk jugak!!! tp tak abis pantang lagi...hehe...