The King (of fruit) is here!
Meh kita story pasal durian pulak.....Durian, the king of fruit is in season now and there're lots and lots and lots of them now....BUT we have to eat with caution!
Eventhough it is fruit (which people say..."eat lots of fruits, good for your health"), this one can cause disaster to some. I say this because, if you eat too much it will cause overheating and you may end up in bed or even worse... So be careful ( orang kata makan berpada2) esp those with high blood pressure.
If there's so much, i would normally freeze them for later use. Right now, my freezer is FULL of containers with durian....lihatlah cronology ni....
.............mula2 bawak balik, ish ish ish, tajamnya duri....
.........dgn penuh 'kepayahan', tercerailah duri and nampaklah yang ni...mak aih gedebak.
.....apa lagi, enjoylah....bila dah tak larat....hmmmm buatlah camni pulak!

Last monday, 6th july we had visitors to our home and we treated them to durian, mangosteen(manggis), and rambutan and as the name said it all, durian dominate those moments!
TV3 came to shoot for a slot in Majalah 3, due to be aired on 18th July, 9pm, apa dia kena tengoklah.
I didn't know that about durian. I've never tried but when I do I'll remember not to overeat. Thanks.
ReplyDeletesaya pun cerita pasal durian kat blog... amboi kak.. bergambar dengan nurul syuhada...kan dah masuk tv... masin keyboard saya...
ReplyDeleteCome to Malaysia if you want to sample durian. thanks for visiting me & I've just briefly 'tour the city of Poznan'...hmmm nice & quiet.
ummu, keyboard kena tumpah peluh apa...yet to be seen apa yg nampak of me on tv(jgn jgn tpt siram pokok yg kak pegang je..he he) ....of my husband dah pasti sbb dia yg di interview.
mck tu org2 tv3 kan... mck masuk majalah3 ke?
ReplyDeleteps- kepochi kah saya? huahuhuaaa...
ya lina, crew majalah3. mck tak taulah masuk ke tidak walau ada part ciput, yang pasti hubby ada..pasal nyamuklah. Masa gambar ni di ambil, dah habis shoot..tengah soru...
ReplyDeleteMakcik, I read or heard somewhere yang, tak elok simpan durian dalam fridge. Why? I've forgotten!
ReplyDeleteoh ya ka mama? is it for health reason or is it becos of the smell. i hope its not health. kalu jumpa artikel tu share ngan makcik ye
ReplyDeleteTQ for visiting blog kakliza and wish my doter's besdey..[w/pun terlewat tapi valid lagi tau..]
wauuuuu...sedapnya doyan...tapi musim kali ni kakliza yang tak rancak angkut doyan balik umah..
le ni pemakan durian tak enjoyed makan sensorang..macam hantu jer...
nak jemput..kakliza akan adakan Demo Masakan di IKANO /Damansara [ruanglegar] pada 26 Julai 2009 [Ahad] jam 3 - 5 ptg..
untuk kompem boleh call akak 013-9224020
sudikan join sekali..boleh jumpa Nurul Azlina..
eh rasanya baru je tgk cerita durian kat tv3... m3 ke, tak ingat, tapi tak perasan pulak ada mckantin. 18hb tunggu lagi so i can tell my family- eh kita kenal mc tu! :)
ReplyDeleteya kucing, depa makan durian tu lepas shootinglah..bukan shoot durian. Depa shoot kawasan rumah nak tunjuk potential tpt biak nyamuk, Depa interbiu hubby mc, mc sibuk je..tengoklah ye sabtu ni kot kot ada terselit
ReplyDeleteSalam Makcik,
ReplyDeleteEven for those with chronic disease like diabetes, they should eat durian with care. Kalau tak makan langsung lagi baik. Ni bukan kata saya tp dengar dari doktorlah, heheh.