Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wanna loose weight?

Ingat kan harini rabu...rupanya dah khamis.

How time flies!

Panaih weiiii

Syukur, senyum lah...sedekah tu
(google image)

Enjoy whatever you are doing...........

A guy calls a company and orders their 5 day 5 kg weight loss program.

The next day, there a knock on the door and there stands before him  a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign around her neck....
she introduces herself as a rep of the weight loss co. the sign reads...

"If you can catch me, you can have me"

Without a second thought, he takes off after her. A few miles later puffing and puffing, he finally gives up.
The same girl shows up for the next 4 days and same thing happens. On the 5th day, he weighs himself and is delighted to find he has lost 5kg as promised.

He calls the company and orders their 5day/10kg program. The next day there's a knock on the door and there stands the most stunning, beautiful sexy woman he has seen in his life. She is wearing nothing but a Reebok running shoes and a sign around her neck that reads....

"If you catch me, you can have me.."

Well, he's out the door after her like a shot. This girl is in excellent shape and he does his best but no such luck. So for the next 4 days, the same routine happens with him gradually getting better and better shape.

Much to his delight, on the 5th day when he weighs himself, he discovers that he lost another 10kg as promised. he decides to go for broke and calls the company to order the 7day/25kg program..

"Are you sure?" asks the rep on the phone.

"Absolutely!" he replies.."I haven't felt this good in years"

The next day there's a knock on the door and when he opens it he find a huge muscular guy standing there wearing nothing but a pink running shoes and a sign around his neck that reads..

"If i catch you, you are mine"

He lost 33 kg that week!



  1. masa berjalan tak terasa . seminggu sekejap saja .
    bangun pagi ..hari ni hari apa?

  2. Betul nieda....mati2 ingat time flies

  3. Kah kah kah kah. Makcik, kalau betul la ada kat Mesia tu, mesti ramai orang dari jabatan agama kejar those girls untuk pakai kan baju. Hahahaha.

    Itu macam iklan kasut je makcik. Wearing nothing but shoes only.

    1. hahahaha...rasanya nak iklan kasut la tu.....makcik teringin kasut pink...berserta modelnya sekali...hihihi

  4. hahaha!!!lawak. kalau yg lady nak diet lagi haru kot. btw salam kenal makcik kantin. ros smp dr rumah k.JunAina. berkenan la handmade bag esp the tote.blh tempah ke kak? btw mcm nak tgk details, i mean any page@fb?

    1. TQ n salam kenal rostina...tapi makcik tak boleh masuk yr blog la.....ada 'malware' katanya...

      mmg makcik ambik tempahan....gambar ada dlm blog saja...under "bags n purses".....fb tak sempat nak letak la...selalunya habis...

  5. Pandia sungguh orang mereka...kalau betui tentu ramai dapat benefit... mesti ramai pakat hambat...

    Makchaq ada sorang kawan badan besaq, bila lama tak jumpa.. jumpa tengok kuruih betui dah.. dia kata ikut program MF. Baguih betui la MF ni.. kata makchaq
    'Sebenaqnya ... aku tak dak duit nak makan la ni... sebulan bayaq seribu.. jadi aku makan sari sekali ja mana tak kuruih....'
    'La.... tapi kira berhasil la tu...'

    Kisah lama ni.. la ni dah besaq balik dah kawan makchaq tu...

    1. hahaha.......makcik pon ada kawan (depan rumah)...pon guna MF....nasi tak boleh makan, minum ayaq timun saja......balut badan dgn 'clingwrap'....hmmmm tak kecik2 jugak...

      kalau nak mkn camtu...tak pi MF pun tak pa......gerenti kuruih punya.

  6. Hi Makcik, ha ha ha, love your joke! Wayyyyy to go, Makcik! Nothing like a laugh to start the day.
    I bet dia chabut kasut pun keluar asap, ha ha ha.
    Wow! You there 33'c? Panas oiiii! Ada hujan? Heard Penang, KL water rationing?
    Ok, no problemos. Save water, bathe with a friend, ha ha.

    Kita sini pagi tadi -27'c. All the snow now macham icebergs, frozen solid! In front of every home snow or ice up to 4, 5 feet high, icebergs! A lot of cars exhaust pipes bengkok, bila gostan hatam to frozen snow, "kraaaank'....habis cherita! Kereta saya pulak nombor plate bengkok. Ha ha ha.

    Radio announced besok snow lagi. Ni nak tanya apa warna rumput? Ha ha.
    We have been seeing snow, all white since mid november!
    Maybe in April might see green grass again.....and ha ha, miniskirts!
    Have a fun weekend, Makcik...don't chat on h/p when cycling.

    1. Hi Lee,
      Some parts of penang got little rain, but my place nahe rain. No water rationing yet so far.
      -27 'c?, ayoooo, very sejuk tau, tapi bagus lah as you don't age (things in fridge selalu fresh kan?) come april, you are as fresh or as young as when you were last november, hahaha that's at least 6 mths younger tau.

      Sini punya grass...ada hijau-turning-orange and ada yg orange.

      @nd Penang bridge is officially open and i m waiting for the time to cross.

      Have a good day Lee N jaga2 jangan langgar itu icebergs :)

  7. Syoknya kalau kena kat fiza mau kuruih fiza x mau la model2 tu...bawak jongkong maih ka mau ligan ni...ha ha ha...fiza la ni nak jalan pun x larat...dah terlalu obesiti dah ni....huhuhu

    1. Cer fiza tunjuk mai gambaq nak tengok....adakah itu obesiti atau "sesedap rasa"..hahaha, janji sihat dan masih cergas fiza

    2. ni dah terlebih rasa dah ni Mak Cik....he he he

  8. Replies
    1. hahaha...dulu kecik2 main aci ligan tak pakai kasut pon
