Saturday, July 3, 2010

Awat jadi lagu ni.....

I was in full swing on friday morning.....between 'ready' and 'giddy'. Yes its the day i'm to undergo a minor procedure (?).

7.30 am we were already at the hospital..only to be told doctor come in 8.30am....

Dr C came, checked, shake hand....."see ya at 12......" 

meanwhile pi dok kat ward dulu...

Pakcik went off, ada appointment....."i comeback later..."

3 hours wait, misi mai bawak wheelchair.....

misi:  puan we go see doctor.

puan:  " tak payah, i can walk...nak lari pun boleh...."

misi:  U sure? they say you cannot walk....


Long walk to the clinic...
Note: It is normal for the nurses/attendant to accompany you to clinic when you are warded.

dr N:...was asked by dr C, bla bla bla....

makcik: ??? (gelabahlah tu tapi masih tunjuk macho...)

dr N: don't worry....its a normal procedure.

note: puan &  makcik = same person

Another wait at the ward.... hala hp camera sana sini...sambil tengok kiri kanan...takut gak nanti....."sorry, no pictures allowed maam..."

the room...sempat lepak, tak sempat tidur 

nice.....the view infront of room

the food for 'orang sakit' 

Late afternoon, together with pakcik we went to see dr N.

Discuss discuss....."okay, you come monday, we do....."

Adoiiiii, i come for C, i end up with N

Debarnya nak tunggu monday.......


  1. Hi MakcikKantin, I'm lost here. Siapa yang sakit or masuk ward tu? Not you I hope?
    You having a baby?
    Anyway, hope everything okay, you are well. Lee.

  2. Uncle Lee,

    Yes saja nak bagi 'lost' sikit. Actually I am the 'actress' in the story.... Me having baby?? he he i'm nearing expiry datelah....

  3. makchak sakit apa? apa2 pun hopefully cepat sembuh n hope everything ok. AMIN.

  4. Salaam sis...

    So sorry to learn about your loss. May her soul rest in peace. Al-Fatihah...

    Now, what's wrong with you? Sampai kena warded? Aduhai, ngeri ye, bab bab nak kena potong ni...ewuuuu... ngerisss... anyway, wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care sis...

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