Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Eh eh begitu teruk sekali???

Harini makcik type N3 guna tangan kiri saja sebab tangan kanan terpaksa di'rehatkan' selama 3 hari. Ini semua gara gara hari isnin (silalah baca entry sebelum ni), 

Story today;

Lembu crossing the road is very common, even dalam bandar...canggih, everything comes to a halt bila lembu lintas jalan....

thank you Mr Google

But one early morning when i sent my nephew to work, I saw this lembu in an awkward position...macam tersangkut.....kesiannnn.....

I took this using my hp while still in the car. 

Kesian.....nak tolong camne ye...

Angle tak best, so i got off the car to get a closer shot....

'apa tengok tengok....' maybe that's what he said

Suddenly it got up! Opss! I ran to my car, tak sempat nak ambil gambar dia in upright position.

Laaaa, Sorry laa....En Lembu was actually enjoying his breakfast when I thought he was stuck there.

note: I say En Lembu because i see two small tanduks there, hope i got it right.


  1. makcik sangat prihatin terhadap kebajikan lembu, hehee, benar² warga masyarakat penyayang!

  2. hahaha... sib baik x kena kejar ngan lembu ye.

  3. KOG, boleh jadi menteri kebajikan masyarakat kan.

    ain, eh kalu dia kejar, kena buka kain n kibas cam matador lah pulak!:)

  4. hahha..agaknya en. lembu tu heran apasal la galamer sgt dia siap ada org dok ambik gambar lg..:p

    makcik how's your condition now?

  5. sally, yes lembu tu tetiba rasa glamer gamak nya.
    i'm getting better now thanks.
