Lama betul makcik tak update & lama tu juga makcik tak melawat sahabat maya.
Kenapa terjadi gitu ye?
Banyak faktor.........
- kadang tu memang kesuntukan masa.
- ada masa, tapi kadang tu otak ke lain (ronda satu dunia)
- otak kacau bilau (@ serabut), membuatkan bila you tengok screen pun, you actually looked thru it!
Itulah yang terjadi, semenjak dua menjak ni......terkejar sana sini..............
Almaklumlah orang penting kannnn..........kita punya hal sedia maklumlah kita pasti sibuk, pakcik punya activity pun kita kena masuk campur, MIL punya schedule pun kite tolong jaga, anak2 punya time-table pun kita kena ambik tau, hatta whenever they were out (of the house) pun, they still texted me to wake them up!
Whatever it is I LOVE doing all of the above. That makes live so wonderful.
Apa pun i want to put to memory, my recent 'jalan jalan che kiah',
Alkisahnya, planning dah lama tapi asyik tertangguh je.
Date: Oct 06, 2011
Time: 9am
From: Penang
To: KL (Dekat saja tapi thrill macam nak pi Paris nunnn)
Mode of transport: Bus
How many che kiah : 3
Purpose: Saja get-together-away-from-home
Agenda: Asyik makannnn je. Tak percaya? Tengok ni.!

Say cheezeeeee (before a plate-full-of-taugeh arrive)
Tepanyaki....(see the amount of beansprout {taugeh} ?)
Walk, walk, look look...tak kan see saja kan? :=))
Lawa lagi mamat ni dari makcik..haishhh
Dinner....grilled lamb...yummy (image sourcing)
"exchanging-story" session before bed........
(tengok tu M Nasir pun gelak dengar kita sembang)
Day 2:- Breakfast at the hotel (image source)
We took a taxi to the 'other' side of town. We made sure we didn't 'drop' while shopping!
Makan time! Lunch
Our 'dinner' -too full to have anything else....
Apple pie with ice-cream & carrot cake
Malam sebelum tidur pot pet pot pet lagi sambil minum kopi, makan cake, chocolate.....
It was the day after that, family makcik di berikan dugaan yang maha berat...........that i was unable to join the two che kiahs on the return journey..........
It was a very stressful few days.
Alhamdulillah, we managed to pull through.
Allah knows best.
Thank you che kiahs for the wonderful two days there and the many many days here.
mck mack...benci ngan mack tau...sebab, tetiba bukak blog pagi buta nampak benda sedap dan teringat ....sangat teringin tepanyaki dan kek sedap kat hotel tu...wwaaaaaaaa....
ReplyDeleteOK lah tu makcik, travel for food! Saya pun pernah drive dari Shah Alam ke Penang, semata mata nak makan char koey tiau..hahaha
ReplyDeleteA lot fun nampaknya the 3 che kiahs..hehehe
Waduh Kak gerau,
ReplyDeleteBenci tapi rindu ke? hehe, ajak bang badang pi la ni jugak
ReplyDeleteOkay lah kan, nampak je cam kita org ni buruk lantak..tapi fun tau.....char koey tiau? lain kali bila mai, silalah rasa CKT kat astaka(food court) sebelah vistana hotel....sedap gak.
Salam Makcik,
ReplyDeleteI was smiling reading and looking at those pictures. Then terkejut baca berita terakhir tu. Whatever it was, kite doakan yang terbaik buat Makcik dan keluarga.
Allah test us often, with suffering and with sorrow. He tests us not to punish us but to help us meet tomorrow.
Take care makcik!
Ijan dear,
ReplyDeleteThank you! Those were the two happenings that contrasted each other. Insyallah all will be alright.
mokcik oo mokcik, nok jjadi cik kioh jugops...ahahhaha
ReplyDeleteLet's jom!
i definitely had fun !! emmmm... nanti free free kita pi makan apple pie to lagi, eh?..
He he. Apple pie...... Wokeh