Bangun pagi gosok gigi cuci muka minum kopi...(mari kita nyanyi sama sama)
Prepare food for alif & his friends, left at home.....
Briyani in a periuk
Briyani ayam (togel je..makan ngan kerabu timun)
Lepas tu cepat cepat siap, ada appointment with dolly & noraini....
Lunch at Sofina's
Coincidently, Nasi briyani juga but with lots of lauk. Thanks Sofina, very sedap. Dah lama we made plans but timing's always not right.
And then......dah pakat awal2....(Adil godek godek kat belakang kereta).....
Terkedu Dolly sekejap as (i think) she didn't expect this. We enjoyed the cake.... sofina's talam suji & kuih kosui
Bila perut dah kenyang, che kiah mulalah buka mulut pulak..pot pet pot pet sambil minum kopi. Did talk about blog creating. I hope they will join me soon....
catching up with each other
while the children(right, 2 seated, 1 on sofa) listening...for tips???)
Makan mee goreng/pasembur with troy & adil, kira dinnerlah ni
HELLO, kalu isi nyoq tebai seinci, orang tak kata nyok muda tau, orang panggei nyok tok wan!
Nyoq tok wan!!!!! (just to express my disappointment)
The guys watched footbal final - Malaysia vs Vietnam. Malaysia won 1-0. I watched them!
The guys, watching...
(yg hujung tu dok sibuk msg 'mak andeh' kot)

Tajul,alif's friend who stays with us during sem holidays)....
the next pengulas sukan or rather future coach?? he he you know what i mean
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