Dried Bunga Telang
Seri Muka Bunga Telang
I bought this
dried flowers about a year ago out of curiosity and it has been in my freezer since.
During my working stint years ago, it was a norm to have meeting over breakfast or lunch or tea.....
We used to be served, among others, this blue-patched steam glutinous rice, nicely cut into squares, with coconut jam (kaya/serikaya) pumped on top. I used to wonder how it was made... yes i just wonder..... no time to think beyond that.
Years after that.......
I saw and asked, this 'ah pek' said..."ooo itu taruk sama pulut......rendam...bal..bla." Bought the flowers....back home, no pulut so the flowers went into hibernation.......
One year later.....
last week i bought glutinous rice but not sure how to do it. I soaked the glutinous rice separately, only about half a cup soaked with the flowers....and i steam them separate as well.....
-Nak story dalam bahasa malaysia pulak-
Ni makcik punya version, tak pasti kebiasaan orang buat macam mana ye. Malas nak buat sekaya, makcik serikan je muka dia.....
500 gm beras pulut;
1/2 cawan pulut rendam bersama bunga telang, lebihnya rendam dlm air biasa.
makcik letakkan bunga telang tu dalam 'teabag'.
Kukus berasingan (steam separately)
Satukan dan tekan (mix & press firmly)
Kukus lagi 5 minit, letak bahan atas & kukus lagi lebih kurang 20 minit.
Dah potong, isikan dalam bekas,
berilah pada jiran suruh dia org komen
P/s: Let's see if i succeeded in canceling ONLY the required words, i hope i got it right this time