An evening in Penang (Mr Guglez)
One fine evening, those two decided to visit a nearby mall for coffee.
Ai: Come on let's visit your favourite store.......
Walk past few stores, chatting..., arrived..., look see look see.....
Ai: Okay I belanja you today......this is nice, this looks good, hmmm that one is better......
Yu: (Being offered...hmmmm apa lagi, beli lahhhh)...okay cukup lah...
Kira kira, bungkus, barang exchanged hands.......THANK YOU
Yu: Jangan terkejut naaaa......barang sikit je tapi rege dia........
OPPPS, kaleh kaleh, Ai dah pitam!
U-ol agak berapa rege ni ye...........
He he he above situation is true, but Ai tak pitam aiihhh, saja buat dramatik je.....
Jom minum kopi.......
Have a good day.
- Mck -
'Ai" mana leh pitam.. dia cool. tak caya, lepaih ni dia ada lagi satu surprise kat u... kan, kan, kan?
ReplyDeletekeh keh keh...tak sirprise aihhh, dah cancel dah kejutan tu....