Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Silver, Gold, Crystals.....Oh aku kaya.....

24th september............

Handicraft........Recycle & reuse.....:)



  1. saya juga tak kaya-kaya nie.... hahaha

  2. mck yang handicratf tu ada zip cemana nak buat?gam je ke?

  3. Jgn dok terkejut makcik...saya Leeza guna i-pad hubby sekejap!

  4. Hello Makcik, my bank manager doesn't recognize me even if I were to bump into him at a supermarket. Instead I make him nervous bila dia tengok my statement...ada warna kuning, like autumn leaves, but not merah, ha ha ha.
    Anyway, I am rich....because I have friends like you. My father once told me, you'll know how rich you are when people hear of naik atas, if no one one comes, it means your middle name 'kedukut' ha ha ha.

    Talking about naik atas, 3 days ago I fell down, tripped on the sidewalk. Baik ta'mampus la, Makcik! A few passerbys rushed to help me. I was lying on the road face down, bleeding badly, mabuk, and nampak UFOs, bulan naik. But bukan 2 moons.
    Baju hilang dua buttons, red with blood. Nasib baik ta'tingalkan dua gigi on the sidewalk.
    If you not takut of blood, senang datang pondok.
    Have a nice day.
    How's your SIL?

    1. Hi,
      U sure ramai kawan sebab very helpful and friendly.

      Oh My...hope you are well now Lee,....nasib ta' mampus...hahahaha sakit pun lagi mau bikin joke, love your spirit......i will surely visit, shortly.

      Take care...

  5. Alhamdulillah, belum sekaya perempuan itu
