Friday, March 8, 2013

I am NOT Alone......

Salam Jumaat.

Makcik cukup rasa gembira hari betoi ka? or should it be ..rasa cukup gembira...?

Sebab makcik rasa makcik ada baaaanyak kawan.........

ada ramai sahabat yang seangkatan.....

Boleh kira satu hati kaaaa......

Kelmarin kan makcik buat entry masa dok tunggu masuk bilik jumpa doktor gigi.......and komen komen yang makcik terima adalah amat menghiburkan.

Komen box makcik taklah jam...tak ramai pun tapi cukup buat makcik legaaaa..........haaaa bukan lah aku sorang yang takut, walau dada dup dap dup dap cam nak pecah, nafas pun naik semput.

Rupanya ramai yang juga tidak begitu 'menyukai' mereka.....

Yang paling syok tu......doktor sendiri pun tak gemar jumpa rakan sejawat!

Ya lah selalu dia cucuk orang, jahit kepala orang kan......jadi bila nak kena nganga kat geng seangkatan...hmmmm dia pun kureng suka.

Hehehe makcik suuuukkkaaaa....jadi bukan lah makcik sorang ja yang takut.

Masuk je dalam bilik tu...makcik tengok muka doktor pun nampak kembangggg saja...I sat down and shut my eyes.......nganga mulut bila di suruh...

Macam macam bunyi boleh ku dengar......ngengggggg, ngengggg, ziingggggggg, zzzzzzzzzz...

Sat macam kontractor drill dinding, sat cam lebah nak hinggap bunga... sat cam kumbang nak drill lubang kat pokok....

And hari ni my ibu jari kanan rasa sangat sakit.....baru perasan, kelmarin my left hand dok pegang my right hand.......dok comfort each other gitu...loving you!

Entah masa bila jari kiri tu dok tekan jari kanan tidak lah ku perasan.......


Malu sangat aih dok cerita pasal takut jumpa dentist ni nooo...tapi nak buat macam mana...memang takut....and sebab itu jugak lah sejak sekolah menengah sampai lah laaaa ni, makcik punya dentist visit, kira jari sebelah tangan pun tak habih!

Canggih lah macam mana pun bangku ni........
 it doesn't wow me

Kalau ada dentist yang baca ni, makcik very sorrylah...i taklah benci you...tak suka kerja you tu saja....

Okaylah selamat berhujung food to show.....tapi makcik terbaca ni kat paper baru2 ni...




  1. saya pun ade g dentist 2 mgu lps..... hilang dah gigi bawah... huhu

  2. kadang2 kita ingat kita bersendirian tapi rupa2nya ada suami disebelah ahaha merapu

    1. haha memula pakcik kata camtu la....u takut takpa, we masuk n i hold yr hand..hmmmmmmm banyak la punya pegang.:=D

  3. hahahahahahha..

    saya ada impacted molar ( gigi geraham bongsu terbenam..kekadang sakit tauuu)...dan masih liat ni pi dentist, walaupun jenuh fiza suruh! :P

    1. kih kih kih.....the lasssssstttt time i visited dentist, ie sebelum this visit lah..was abt 5 yrs ago...gigi geraham, dah tak boleh rasa dgn lidah..kira dah nak 'habes' laaa....takut kena belah gusi baru cari dokter.

      gigi bongsu tu kalu tak sakit, hmmmm biaq pi lah dia dok diam diam dalam gusi tuuuuu....:)

  4. Saya dah lupa bila kali terakhir jumpa dentist. Miahaha. Nampak benor femalas (dan takut kena drill......ekeke)

    1. ih ih ih another dokter takut dokter....i likeeeee

  5. Hi Makcik, saya pun takut dentist.....but luckily my dentist also a surgeon very tall handsome fellow...he knows I'm frighten, so he chat chat about girls, joke joke....lapa the tension and stress.
    And he has lots of women go to him....ta'sakit pun find x'cuse see him, ha ha.
    Ahhh, kalau my dentist like Nigella, saya pun pergi juga....

    Makcik, if you not going cycling ke play golf, or do ballroom dancing or yoga....duduk tengok chichak on the ceiling play hide and seek weekend...
    I give you our Canadian cup cake recipe. Hubby masuk mulut dua spoon tentu manjah Makcik....

    Canadian Lemony Coconut Cream Cupcakes.
    Makes: 1 dozen cupcakes
    Cooking time: 45 minutes hands-on, roughly 1.5 hours total
    Difficulty: Easy


    1/2 cup butter
    1 cup plain sugar
    2 eggs
    2 tbsp grated lemon zest
    1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
    1/2 cup shredded coconut
    1 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp salt
    1/2 cup coconut cream (or coconut milk, or just plain milk)

    Pre-heat oven to 350 F / 180 C. Soften butter slightly in microwave, beat with sugar and eggs until light.
    Add lemon zest. In separate bowl, mix together flour, coconut, baking powder, and salt.
    Pour half of the dry ingredients onto the wet ingredients with half the coconut cream, stir just until combined. Repeat with the rest of the dry ingredients and coconut cream.

    Spoon batter into 12 paper-lined muffin cups. Bake for 18-20 minutes, until tops are golden.
    Remove from oven and allow to cool completely before icing.

    Icing: Warm 2 tbsp each butter and cream cheese in microwave.
    Add 2 tbsp lemon juice, mix until blended. Add about 1/2 cup icing sugar and stir to remove any lumps.
    Continue adding icing sugar until icing is thick, but still a little bit soft.

    Drop (about) a tablespoon of icing onto each cupcake, sprinkle with additional coconut.
    Allow icing to set for about an hour before serving. Enjoy!

    Makcik send me telegram if you make it. Best if bila baking, be like Nigella, *wink* ha ha ha.
    Itu chakap chari pasal.
    Have a fun weekend....

    1. Hi Lee,

      THANK YOU!

      this week was very productive....i went cycling, i did sewing and guess what? i also cook! :))

      probably imagining myself wearing high heels and designer clothes while cooking, in short i put nigella spirit in me..HAHAHA...saya suda buat itu cake, sedap.

      nanti i share usual, i bake but my photography is nowhere near my hubby's. malas mau belajar lah.

      have a good week ahead mr lee.

  6. McK hebat and unclee pun hebat. hehe salin resepilah apa lagi!

    1. woishhhh mamaju.......McK hebat...TQ TQ, bayangkan yg hebat hebat saja.....

      makcik dah buat lah mama....sedapppp.

  7. Saya pun sama ler. Selalu gementar nak jumpa dentist. Rasa segan pun ada. heheh sama ler kita Makcik. Visit dentist ni, bleh kira dgn jari jer.

    1. tu sebab makcik tak pernah ajak anak temankan, malu aih kalau dia tau mak dia ketaq satu badan jumpa dentist......ala berapa kali ja ponnn kan kan?

  8. Alahai Makcik.. jangan takut nak jumpa dentist.. sebab iha pun TAKUT sebenarnya.. haha.. ehh baru teringat, hujung bulan ni ada appoinment dengan depa la pulak.. aiseyy..

    1. Eiiii, suke nye makcik...ada lagi gang .......yg takut dentist...hahaha kesian kat depa blajaq teruk teruk org tak suka pi jumpa....

  9. sangat tak suka pi dentist... seriau bunyi macam2.. cannot imagine kalo doctor tu terlepas drill dia tu & terkena pipi kita ke, hidung kita ke.. hadoii..

    1. hehe...lobang ler tempat tempat tu mulan...kena pipi..hmmmm makin dalam le lesung pipit...
